Met with marketing guru, Pamela Holmes with this morning. She is phenomenal in marketing others and has a creative mind that any entrepreneur would love to be able to get their hands on. As great as Pamela is in getting others to move their businesses to the next level, she was having trouble looking at what was next to move all of her projects to the next level.
Sometimes it just takes someone outside of your self to see what is next or where you need to go. In this case it was me, giving her a gentle push in a few different directions to get her building again. I took her strengths and pushed using her strengths rather than telling her to do something that wasn't already natural for her to do.
The point is, sometimes you need to look outside of your self, get a second opinion on those thoughts and ideas, get a gentle push so that you can move forward.
Someone Nabbed My Credit Card
7 years ago